Thursday, January 15, 2009

a lot of coffee make you halusination

LONDON,– just be carefull to all of you,the coffeeholic!somebody who drinks a cup of coffee more than seven times a day,actually disposed to halusination more than they who drink less than that.that is the result of research that the psychologyc of durham university did.

in the report that published in wednesday(15/1)they who in their body has high concentration of caffeine will three times often hear"whisper from someone that actually doesn't exist",than they who drink a cup of coffee a day.

However,this study show that hear the "whisper" is not only cause of the caffeine,but also "more show thought from the people who consume a coffee more".

"This case is one of factor to research another think that cause the halusination",said simon jones,a college student of doctoral who lead a team researcher from the university.

he said that,research taht they did in the past,showed a lot of factors,likes tauma in child era.that factors related with halusination,because the impact to our bodies that can make us depress.

another researcher, Charles Fernyhough said that that study is not emphasize that the study is not research about relation between cause -result between number of caffeine and halusination

"The Interpretasi is maybe somebody that depress on high level usually drinks a cup of coffee more to decrease from the depressed,"he said.

the result of the study will be doing to the food and drink that related with caffeine.

"with study related between food and feeling,especially between caffeine and respons of the body to depress,it's so possible to research the nutrition content with psychologyc impact to our bodies," said Fernyhough. (A-64/AFP/kur)***


  1. hmm
    ya ya ya..
    eh u know u must be write in english in this blog..u cant use indonesian..
    change it boy!
    thats what mr.dadang told to us last met..
